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International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science (IJAERS) 

https://dx. doi. ora/10.22161/ijaers. 73.49 

[Vol-7, Issue-3, Mar- 2020] 
ISSN: 2349-6495(P) / 2456-1908(0) 

Environmental Education approach in the 
documents of Pedagogical Guidelines of the 
Municipal College Custodio Sento-Se/Ba/Brasil 

Helisandra dos Reis Santos 1 , Clecia Simone Gonsalves Rosa Pacheco 2 

'Master of Science in Education - Universidad Autonoma de Asuncion (Paraguay); Specialist in Interdisciplinary Environmental Education 
- Federal University of Vale do Sao Francisco (UNIVASF). 

2 PhD in Education; Researcher at the Federal Institute of Sertao Pemambucano (IFSPE); Advisor of the Postgraduate Course in 
Interdisciplinary Environmental Education - Federal University of Vale do Sao Francisco (UNIVASF). 

Abstract — This article presents the analyzes made of a study on the approach of Environmental Education in the 
pedagogical activities of the Colegio Municipal Custodio Sento Se/BA, with the aim of analyzing how the 
pedagogical guidance documents address Environmental Education. The research has a qualitative, 
documentary focus, of a descriptive type, which initially seeks to prepare a literature review on the subject, then 
analyzed the Pedagogical Political Project (PPP), in order to collect the information necessary to carry out the 
research. Therefore, the result made it possible to realize that the PPP recognizes the importance of the school's 
social role and the construction of social values for the promotion of citizenship, however, environmental issues 
were not explicitly addressed in the respective document. 

Keyword — Environmental Education, Political Pedagogical Project, Awareness. 


This work aims to analyze how Environmental 
Education has been approached in the pedagogical 
guidance documents to promote awareness and training of 
critical, participatory and autonomous citizens, in an 
Elementary School II, at the seat of the municipality of 

Education has the capacity to transform the 
realities experienced by human beings, through 
sensitization and awareness, and Environmental Education 
is widely discussed today, with the purpose of 
demonstrating that social, economic and political factors 
are directly related to the changes that the environment has 
been suffering. 

The development of Environmental Education in 
the educational scenario is of paramount importance to 
seek balance in the relationship between man and the 
natural environment, which is increasingly compromising 
the quality of life of society. In view of this, urgent 
measures are needed in order to raise people's awareness in 
the search for new concepts and ideas about the importance 
of preserving the environment, being a participatory and 
continuous process in the construction of values, 
knowledge and actions. 

According to Dias (2004, p. 523) the process is 
permanent in which “individuals and the community 
become aware of their environment and acquire new 
knowledge, values, skills, experiences and determination 
that make them able to act and solve environmental 
problems, present and future”. 

In this way. Environmental Education is a 
transversal theme that allows dialogue between different 
disciplines, enabling communication and joint action 
between education professionals and students, seeking to 
show that knowledge is composed by the union of the 
contents of the disciplines and that they communicate. It 
is a tool capable of bringing a contextualized and 
interdisciplinary view. 

It is noticed that environmental issues have been 
discussed and researched today, and this study aims to 
answer the following question: ^How is Environmental 
Education addressed in the pedagogical guidance 
documents of the School Unit? 

In view of the problem of this research, it was 
determined to verify the following hypotheses: the 
documents of pedagogical guidelines address the theme of 
Environmental Education. Or, the pedagogical guidance 
documents do not address the issue of Environmental 

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International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science (IJAERS) 

https ://dx. doi. org/10.22161/ijaers. 73.49 

[Vol-7, Issue-3, Mar- 2020] 
ISSN: 2349-6495(P) / 2456-1908(0) 

Education. In this sense, the general objective of this study 
is to analyze how the pedagogical guidance documents 
address Environmental Education and, to consolidate this 
analysis, it was listed as specific objectives: a) To know the 
pedagogical guidance documents of the school; b) To 
analyze how the Environmental Education is addressed by 
the Political Pedagogical Project. 

The results found point out that the Pedagogical 
Political Project (PPP) does not have an approach that 
actually contemplates Environmental Education, thus 
hindering the respective approach in the school 
environment based on the pedagogical perspective. 


2.1 - The history of Environmental Education 

The transformations in the production processes 
that occurred after the Industrial Revolution, aroused 
concerns on the part of social organizations about 
environmental issues worldwide, starting in the 1960s in 
the 20th century, because of the levels of pollution and 
rising temperatures in the Earth (SAMPAIO, 2011). 

In 1972, the United Nations (UN) held the first 
meeting to address environmental issues. The United 
Nations Conference on the Environment, in Stockholm, 
which generated the document called “Declaration of the 
UN Conference on the Human Environment”, proclaiming 
criteria of relationship between man, production and the 
environment, that citizens and companies seek balance to 
find the path that leads to sustainable development 
(CABEDA, 2017). 

Among several determined principles, awareness 
and awareness is sought to promote the preservation of 
natural resources such as air, water, land, flora, fauna and 
parts of natural ecosystems need to be conserved to 
guarantee the existence of present and future generations. 
Man has the responsibility to preserve and manage the 
heritage of flora and fauna and their habitat, which is in 
grave danger (COELHO; REZENDE, 2016). 

After the Stockholm Conference, some actions 
were taken, such as: 1. The United Nations Educational, 
Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), took over 
the organization of regional and international discussions 
on Environmental Education (EA); 2. The International 
Seminar on EE was held in Belgrade, Yugoslavia, in 1975; 
3. The United Nations Conference on Environment and 
Development was held in the city of Rio de laneiro, known 
as Rio - 92, where Agenda 21 was created; and, 4. The 
Creation of the Environmental Education Treaty for 
Sustainable Society and Global Responsibility. 

With all these actions, the world begins to worry 
about seeking knowledge to address environmental issues. 
It was noted the need that global societies need to build 
public policies aimed at the conservation and balance of 
the environment, establishing principles and rules for the 
use of non-renewable natural resources. It is the moment 
when the transversal theme - Environmental Education - 
starts to be developed within society. 

International organizations started to address the 
issue of sustainable development after the Rio 92 
conference. Agenda 21 was a historic milestone, containing 
the commitment of rich countries in relation to poor 
countries, each participating country has a duty to 
incorporate policies based on the proposal for sustainable 
development, with the aim of improving the quality of life 
of the population. This document recognizes that poverty 
and environmental degradation are intertwined. Proposing 
discussions on combating poverty, changing consumption 
patterns, combating deforestation. Where it seeks a balance 
between the relations of economic development, the 
environment and the human being (GOTTARDO, 2003). 

2.2 The Need for Environmental Education 

Developing actions in a sustainable manner in the 
social environment where we operate is a necessity in the 
contemporary society scenario. In view of the expansion of 
the capitalist economy, which leads to a consumerist 
society, causing environmental destruction, such as the 
climate changes that we already experience today. 

Society must adopt economic attitudes that are 
less aggressive to the environment and these attitudes must 
come from all nations, from the least developed to the most 
developed, with the precept of ensuring quality of life for 
the planet and all forms of life that exist on it. 

Humanity needs to balance itself in a sustainable 
way with the environment, use only what is necessary for 
its existence and, seek to reorganize nature preservation 
and active actions in an active and quick way, so that we 
can ensure the survival of the various forms of life that 
inhabits the planet. It is of utmost importance to effectively 
program a quality Environmental Education, which brings 
in its theme a perspective of raising awareness and 
sensitizing people in a more active coexistence in benefits 
of the preservation of natural resources, ensuring better 
quality of life for all forms of beings existing. It is 
necessary that the human species be reeducated in a 
perspective of coexistence and respect for the environment, 
so that it will generate a mutuality between man and nature 
(MORIN, 2016). 

Environmental Education is an interdisciplinary, 
multidisciplinary theme that needs the support of 

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International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science (IJAERS) 

https ://dx. doi. org/10.22161/ijaers. 73.49 

[Vol-7, Issue-3, Mar- 2020] 
ISSN: 2349-6495(P) / 2456-1908(0) 

knowledge from various areas acting in partnership to 
achieve the holistic of the whole. According to Paviani 
(2014, p.16): 

[...] it is not too much to reinforce the idea 
that interdisciplinarity takes place in each 
situation in a peculiar way and presupposes 
the integration of knowledge and people, of 
units and syntheses of knowledge or of 
“content”, of use or application theories 
and methods and collaboration (principle of 
collaboration) between teachers or 

Fazenda (2011, p. 75) points out that “the 
possibility of being in the world today, understanding and 
criticizing the innumerable information that attacks us 
daily, can only happen in overcoming the existing barriers 
between the disciplines”. 

Seeking a dialogue between economic 
development, the environment and human beings is one of 
the objectives of Environmental Education. 

According to Medina and Santos (2008, p.24): 

Environmental Education will allow, by its 
basic assumptions, a new creative 
interaction that redefines the type of people 
we want to train and the future scenarios 
that we want to build for humanity, in 
function of the development of a new 
environmental rationality. It is necessary to 
train individuals who can respond to the 
challenges posed by the dominant 
development style, based on the 
construction of a new harmonious style 
between society and nature and who, at the 
same time, are able to overcome merely 
instrumental rationality and economist, 
which gave rise to the environmental and 
social crise that concern us today. 

Such assumptions allow us to understand that it is 
necessary to integrate society in the search for knowledge, 
to understand the changes that the environment has been 
undergoing. Environmental Education leads us to the 
possibility of exploring, knowing, identifying, describing 
and interpreting social behaviors in the search to find new 
proposals for changing the relationship and culture of the 
human being with the environment through less aggressive 
actions, and sources of energy alternatives. 

However, the new attitudes must be based on the 
lessons learned in the school environment through the 
contents studied in the classroom. According to Figaro: 

The concrete experience of the students' 
lives is not outside the school. Connecting 
school content to the interest of young 
students presupposes understanding them 
as discourse producers, in which they 
select, categorize and organize, from their 
experiences, all statements addressed to 
them (FIGARO, 2010, p.27). 

Therefore, Environmental Education, when 
developed, allows to promote curricular integration in the 
educational environment, developing interdisciplinarity 
and contextualization of contents with the lived reality, in 
the perspective of integral human formation, seeking to 
form autonomous and critical citizens who can interact and 
intervene in the environment social environment. 

2.3 Environmental Education in the Brazilian 
educational scenario 

Environmental Education is a term that emerged 
only in the 1970s, as a result of concern with the 
environmental issue. From then on, the organization of 
several events that consolidated such issues began, such 
as the Stockholm Conference in 1972, the Rio-92 
Conference in 1992, held in Rio de Janeiro, which 
established an important measure. Agenda 21, which it 
was an action plan for the 21st century aimed at the 
sustainability of life on earth (DIAS, 2004). 

In Brazil, Environmental Education became law 
on April 27, 1999, by Law No. 9,795 - National 
Environmental Education Policy, where in its Art. 1: 

Environmental education is understood as 
the processes by which the individual and 
the community build social values, 
knowledge, skills, attitudes and 
competences aimed at the conservation of 
the environment, a common use of the 
people, essential to a healthy quality of 
life and its sustainability (PNEA, 1999, 

In Art. 2nd states: "Environmental education is 
an essential and permanent component of national 
education, and must be present, in an articulated manner, 
at all levels and modalities of the educational process, in 
a formal and non-formal character" (PNEA, 1999, p. 1). 

In this perspective. Environmental Education is 
not a new discipline, it has an interdisciplinary character. 

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International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science (IJAERS) 

https ://dx. doi. org/10.22161/ijaers. 73.49 

[Vol-7, Issue-3, Mar- 2020] 
ISSN: 2349-6495(P) / 2456-1908(0) 

where its approach must be integrated and continuous. 
Interdisciplinarity requires a broader and more 
meaningful view to understand, the concepts, phenomena 
and problems of everyday life, through knowledge of 
different areas of knowledge. We can observe in the 
National Curriculum Parameters (PCNs), “in the school 
perspective, interdisciplinarity does not intend to create 
new disciplines or knowledge, but to use the knowledge 
of several disciplines to solve a specific problem or 
understand a particular phenomenon under different 
points of view sight”(BRASIL, 1999, p.34-36). 

Therefore, we realize that Environmental 
Education with Law, is a policy considered recent, widely 
discussed today. However, little developed and worked in 
the school context. 


The present research was carried out in the 
Municipality of Sento-Se - BA/Brazil (figure 1), located in 
the territory of the Sertao do Sao Francisco (figure 2), on 
the edge of Lago de Sobradinho, in the North of the State 
of Bahia. The Municipality of Sento-Se according to the 
Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) has 
an estimated population of 40,684 inhabitants and has a 
territorial extension of approximately 12,181,239 km2 
(IBGE, 2019). 

Fig.l: Sento Se/Bahia/Brazil 
Source: IBGE (2020) 

Source: SECULT/BA (2020) 

The School Unit where the research was 
conducted was Colegio Municipal Custodio Sento-Se, 
located at Pra£a Dr. Juvencio Alves no number, 
neighborhood Centro. The school serves classes from 
Elementary School II and Youth and Adult Education 
(EJA), in the morning, afternoon and evening shifts, with a 
population of 955 enrolled students and 57 teachers 
(CENSO, 2019). 

In order to carry out a research, it is essential to 
define how it will be carried out through the design that, 
according to Sampieri, Collado and Lucio (2006, p. 154), the 
term model means the “plan or strategy designed to obtain 
the information that is want ”. For Gonzales, Fernandez and 
Camargo (2014, p. 43) “a design of the research is 
determined by the type of investigation that is intended to be 
carried out, and by the hypothesis that one wishes to verify 
during the process”. 

The methodological approach was qualitative 
because it is related to analyzing, understanding and 
interpreting the data of the analyzed documents, about how 
the pedagogical guidance documents address the theme of 
Environmental Education and reflecting its directions for 
activities in teaching practice. 

The qualitative approach sought to reach as much 
information as possible, aiming to expand the knowledge 
under study. Still according to Sampieri et al. (2006, p.15) 
"the qualitative research gives depth to the data, the 
dispersion, the interpretative richness, the contextualization 
of the environment, the details and the unique 
experiences". In this sense, it was sought through the 
observation moments with the professionals involved in the 
research process of that school, to reach deeper results. 

Page | 341 

International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science (IJAERS) 

https ://dx. doi. org/10.22161/ijaers. 73.49 

[Vol-7, Issue-3, Mar- 2020] 
ISSN: 2349-6495(P) / 2456-1908(0) 

imbued with veracity and feelings and, thus, reconstruct 
the reality from their observation, experience and 

According to Gil (2008, p. 8), "one can define 
method as a way to reach a certain end". The author also 
endorses that “for knowledge to be considered scientific, it 
is necessary to identify the mental and technical operations 
that make it possible to verify it”. Or, in other words, to 
determine the method that made it possible to reach that 

The research also had a documentary character, 
developed from the survey of documentary analysis of 
institutional records. Liidke and Andre (1986) mention that 
document analysis can be understood as several operations, 
which seeks to study and analyze one or several 
documents, aiming to identify information of facts in them, 
to find social, economic and ecological circumstances with 
which there is a possibility of relationships, focusing on 
issues of interest to the research. 


The present study was developed through 
documentary analysis of the instruments of pedagogical 
guidance of the researched College, in order to understand 
how Environmental Education is approached in these 
instruments. The instrument used by the School Unit for its 
pedagogical organization is the Pedagogical Political 
Project (PPP). 

Given the moments of analysis of the PPP, it can 
be noted that it was built collectively during the year 2011, 
and it is explicitly found throughout the text, the search for 
citizen training to work in the social environment at the 
same time. Which is inserted, as the school's mission. It 
was noticed the emphasis given on the social function of 
the school, to the formation of values focused on 
citizenship, guiding teachers to the construction of a 
reflective and contextualized teaching practice. 

Starting from the principle that Environmental 
Education contemplates the environment as a whole, from 
the relationship between people and the use and care for 
natural resources, it was analyzed that, when the PPP 
mentions the formation of citizens and is concerned with 
the school's social function, it is understood that some 
principles of Environmental Education are being implicitly 

For the National Curricular Guidelines for 
Environmental Education, Art. 2: 

Environmental Education is a dimension of 
education, it is an intentional activity of 

social practice, which must give individual 
development a social character in its 
relationship with nature and with other 
human beings, aiming to enhance this 
human activity in order to make it full of 
social practice and environmental 
ethics”(BRASIL/DCNEA, 2012, p.2). 

However, it was noticeable that Environmental 
Education is not explicitly and objectively included in the 
PPP of the school that is the focus of this research. 
However, the document is in the process of restructuring. 
However, its restructuring is being carried out in stages, 
according to the guidelines of the Municipal Department of 
Education, and three meetings have already been held. 

These meetings were moments of studies for the 
appropriation of knowledge from the National Common 
Curricular Base (BNCC), so that the PPP's of the 
Municipal School Units are rebuilt taking into account the 
new trends of the national education scenario. Through the 
analysis of the reports built in the three meetings, it was 
possible to notice that the theme of Environmental 
Education until now has not been considered with the 
necessary and emerging notoriety in the face of the crucial 
global scenario. 


Addressing the theme of Environmental Education 
in contemporary school environments is a necessity in 
view of the environmental crises that society has been 
facing. Having its principles included in the pedagogical 
guidance documents is indispensable so that the theme can 
be developed in the pedagogical practice of teachers, to 
meet social demands. 

The research consisted of the analysis of 
pedagogical guidance documents in order to verify if there 
is an approach to Environmental Education in the 
respective documents. The PPP of Colegio Municipal 
Custodio Sento-Se/BA recognizes the importance of the 
school's social role and the construction of social values for 
the promotion of citizenship, however, environmental 
issues are not addressed in an explicit and objective way. 

However, contemporary society needs an 
education that can work to develop skills, making 
individuals able to find solutions to problems through the 
interaction of knowledge and people. Much is said about 
Environmental Education, but it is still a distant reality 
within the School Unit that was researched, taking into 
account the instructions contained in the PPP. 

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International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science (IJAERS) 

https ://dx. doi. org/10.22161/ijaers. 73.49 

[Vol-7, Issue-3, Mar- 2020] 
ISSN: 2349-6495(P) / 2456-1908(0) 

Therefore, the results of this research collaborate 
to rethink the fundamental importance of Environmental 
Education to be explicit in the pedagogical guidance 
documents, enabling the respective approach in the school 
environment in an effective way in the teaching 
pedagogical practice. Thus, contributing to the formation 
of citizens who seek actions to preserve and conserve the 
environment, to ensure the survival and quality of life of 
the various existing beings. 


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